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A member registered Sep 09, 2017

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Your English seems decent to me.  Thanks for your advice!

Yeah, doubt that will happen.  To be fair though, I doubted that this thing would work 'till I tried it.

Still, I'd give my left nut for an emulator of more recent consoles lol.

I'm far from an expert, but I think there is some way that you can clear your cache or cookies or something that will probably fix this.

Or you could buy a new Xbox One... jk ;)

lol, in what way is it not an emulator?  

Chill brosef.  It's a lot to take in, and it's easy to miss a thing or two.

Using this service probably counts as a "third party app or service" under your Microsoft Services Agreement.  As of 9/9/2017, I see nothing against us using this app, so long as we understand that Microsoft is not responsible for their content, and we agree that any service agreement to this third party does not supersede the official Microsoft Services Agreement.  Keep in mind though, that they can change this notice at any time without telling anyone about it, and on any given day the use of this service might violate that agreement.  I seriously doubt that will happen, though.

In short... You're probably good :)

Here's the link to the agreement, so that you can check for yourself.

Here's what worked for me:

1. On your Xbox One, while you are playing the game, press the left and right bumper at the same time. (This hits start and select at the same time.  If you've mapped start and select to something else, hit those things instead.)

2. Go to the option that says "SAVE STATE" and press "A" on your controller. (and it is always the green A button on your Xbox One controller.  It doesn't matter what you've mapped the A button to for emulation purposes)

3. POOF!  Your game is saved to onedrive.

Now, to load your game:

1. Open the ROM you want to play like you normally do when you are starting a new game.

2. Go to the option that says "CONTINUE" and press "A" on your controller. (and it is always the green A button on your Xbox One controller.  It doesn't matter what you've mapped the A button to for emulation purposes)

3. POOF!  Your game is loaded from onedrive.

Hopefully this is helpful!

Saving "within the game" could mean all kinds of things.  Here's what worked for me:

1. On your Xbox One, while you are playing the game, press the left and right bumper at the same time. (This hits start and select at the same time.  If you've mapped start and select to something else, hit those things instead.)

2. Go to the option that says "SAVE STATE" and press "A" on your controller. (and it is always the green A button on your Xbox One controller.  It doesn't matter what you've mapped the A button to for emulation purposes)

3. POOF!  Your game is saved to onedrive.

Now, to load your game:

1. Open the ROM you want to play like you normally do when you are starting a new game.

2. Go to the option that says "CONTINUE" and press "A" on your controller. (and it is always the green A button on your Xbox One controller.  It doesn't matter what you've mapped the A button to for emulation purposes)

3. POOF!  Your game is loaded from onedrive.

Maybe this is what you were doing all along.  If that is the case, I'm sorry that I misunderstood you.  Hopefully this is helpful, though.